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Home: Welcome

for Insight Teachers & Leaders


​Sangha leadership members are invited to join the Intersangha Google Group.

Those who actively share the dhamma in the Insight tradition are invited to join the Teaching Sangha Google Group.


Dhamma Exploration

These sites are probably familiar to you. Contact us with any suggested edits or additions:

Access To Insight

Audio Dharma

Barre Center for Buddhist Studies

Buddha Net


DharmaNet International​
Dharma Seed

Forest Dharma

IMS Book Club

Inquiring Mind Archive

Lion’s Roar

Sati Center for Buddhist Studies

Sutta Readings​​​​

Theravada Buddhist Books (free)

Tricycle Magazine​

Vipassana Fellowship



Wise Action


One Earth Sangha​


BIN is a 501(c)(3) non-profit religious organization and does not promote political views or affiliation. But, Wise Action may call for community engagement rooted in Wise View and Wise Intention.


U.S. citizens: Register or confirm your voter registration here or here.


Get out the vote

Volunteer to encourage others to register to vote in the U.S. with the non-profit organization Vote Forward​​​​.​


A resource missing? Let us know.


A Refuge Supreme


They go to many a refuge,

to mountains and forests,

to park and tree shrines:

people threatened with danger.

That's not the secure refuge,

not the supreme refuge,

not the refuge where

you gain release

from all suffering & stress.


But when, having gone

to the Buddha, Dhamma,

& Sangha for refuge,

you see with right discernment

the four noble truths  —

stress, the cause of stress,

the transcending of stress,

& the noble eightfold path,

the way to the stilling of stress —

that is the secure refuge,

that is the supreme refuge,

that is the refuge where

you gain release

from all suffering & stress.


Dhp 188-192

Other Resources?

Please let us know if a valuable resource is missing from this collection. This website is an ongoing collaborative Insight Meditation community project.



The Buddhist Insight Network offers these links to explore without affiliation, remuneration, or endorsement. Please use wise discernment when following any link. Please report any concerns.

©2020 Buddhist Insight Network

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